Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

how to eliminate body odor

how to eliminate body odor How to remove unpleasant armpit odor like the smell of carrion (hehehe) let alone that it is quite easy hairy sob. Luckily I was not so [true fren]. Underarm odor can make us less confident in socializing with other friends. But still, I will give the traditional recipe. Easy and cheap again.

Dab pepper and camphor (camphor) and kerosene on your armpits. Well maybe it sounds a little frightening. But the first oran typically use this method and proven effective. If you are diligent work in time will not be long body odor (armpit) you will be lost.

To remove the hair on your armpit (shed their hair) then mixing them with lime juice ingredient or water Foreword.

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