Senin, 12 Maret 2012

Among the fruits Mangosteen

In many countries we grow Among the fruits Mangosteen, mangosteen fruit is rich in content would be a very powerful anti-oxidant that is found on the skin of the fruit. From Mangosteen Has Substance That peneliatan Anti Onksida powerful, precise Indonesia PT. Natural Ways of Creating a core of traditional medicine Coronary heart disease (XAMthone Plus), as a natural way to treat heart disease.Let's Liat Review About Heart Disease, and natural way to treat heart disease with coronary heart disease and Traditional Medicine Testimonials recovered thanks to Coronary Heart Traditional Medicine.Coronary heart disease is one of the most feared killers in the world. Usually the disease is experienced by people berusian productive and sudden attack to cause death.For Info and Booking XAMthone as a drug plus a natural way to treat heart problems please CLICK HERE (to order)A cause of coronary heartThe disease is caused by the narrowing and blockages in coronary arteries. This is caused by the buildup of fatty substances (cholesterol, triglycerides) in the artery wall bottom (endothelium).After the fat accumulates, blood flow is blocked and unable to travel to the heart that affect the heart in pumping blood. The effect is most felt is the loss of oxygen and nutrients to the heart because of reduced blood flow to the heart.B. The symptoms of coronary heart disease

* Chest pain and pressure
Dizziness prolonged head
* Feeling her body on fire for no apparent reason
* There was a complaint in the chest and neck bone
* But most people who suffer from coronary heart disease do not experience some of the symptoms above. All of a sudden heart problem and the patient in a chronic condition.C. Things that lead to coronary heart disease:

* Smoking in significant amounts and for many years
* Consumption of fatty foods or high cholesterol
* Hypertension that have suffered
* Diabetes mellitus is also provoke the onset of coronary heart disease
* Obesity
* Lack of activity and exercise
* Drinking of alcoholic beverages
* Drug abuse (narcotics)D. Facts about coronary heart disease

* Coronary heart disease is the number one killer disease in the United States that strikes both men and women
* Every year in the U.S., more than half a million people die from coronary heart disease
* Deaths from coronary heart disease can be prevented because it is related to lifestyle. If the public good and healthy life free of confirmed coronary heart disease
* Care for patients with coronary heart disease takes a very long and continuous.E. Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease

* Balanced lifestyle and avoiding the risk of stress is necessary for a person not affected by coronary heart disease.
* Eating a healthy diet and high fiber. Reduce fatty foods and high cholesterol to prevent obesity.
* Immediately stop smoking. Smoking causes reduced blood vessel elasticity thereby increasing arterin hardening of the arteries that lead to stroke.
* Reduce or avoid alcohol
* Exercise regularly
* Avoid the use of illegal drugs
* For Info and Booking XAMthone as a drug plus a natural way to treat heart problems please CLICK HERE (to order)F. Tests to determine whether a person has coronary heart diseaseThere is no sure way to know the size of coronary heart disease. But some of the following types of tests can give you an idea if someone is suffering from coronary heart disease.

* Electrocardiogram
* Stress test
* Nuclear scanning
* Coronary angigraphyG. Some types of plants that can prevent and cope with coronary heart disease

* Mangosteen (wrong drug made satunga safe drug for coronary heart disease)
* Leaves crown Gods
* Noni
* Garlic
* Cloud ear fungus
* Roses
* SiantanApparently Mangosteen (Mangosteen) have high antioxidant alternatives for the treatment of coronary heart

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