Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

Benefits of Wood Fungi

Benefits of Wood Fungi Description:Saprofif grow on rotting logs, grow wild and sometimes cultivated. Long-stemmed fruit bodies growing straight up, his hat from the body is attached to the stalk, get up a half circle and grows horizontally. Fruit bodies showed that the circles are the limits of growth period, wavy or scalloped edges, the upper side with the folds radier, purplish-red color is brown, shiny as lacquer. A few years old each time to form new layers himenofora.
Local name:Supa sinduk (Sunda).;

Curable Disease:Difficulty sleeping (insomnia), dizziness, bronchitis, asthma, silicosis, hepatitis; hypertension, heart disease, stomach pain, no appetite; Rheumatism;

PART USED:Fruit bodies. Once collected, washed and dried.
PURPOSE:- Body feels weak (neurasthenia), dizziness.- Feeling weak due to long illness.- It is hard to sleep (insomnia).- Chronic bronchitis, asthma, silicosis.- Hepatitis.- High blood pressure.- Coronary Heart disease (Coronary heart disease).- High cholesterol (hipercholesterolemia).- Stomach pain (gastritis).- No appetite (anorexia).- Joint rheumatism (Rheumatic arthritis).- Delaying aging.
USAGE:To drink: 3-15 g, boiled.External use only. Used for common cold (rhinitis).
HOW TO USE:A. Neurasthenia, sleeplessness, excessive dreams:
3-10 g wood mushroom braised, drinks.
2. Chronic hepatitis, shortness of breath (bronchial asthma):
1-2 g of powdered wood mushrooms, brewed with hot water, drinking
after chilling. Do 3 times a day.
3. Manguatkan and increase endurance:
Boil 15 g ling zhi with 4 cups water in pot soil
until the remaining 2 cups. After chilling filtered, and the water
add 1 tablespoon of honey. Stir until smooth and drink.
2 times a day, every time I drink as much as 1 cup.
NOTE:Ling-zhi mushrooms are sold in drug stores with a wide range of packaging of mushrooms or pieces that have been processed as a capsule, tablet, syrup, tincture, or injections.
Composition:CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological: It was a little bitter sweet, warm, non-toxic. Strengthen and increase endurance, prevent heart disease, aphrodisiac, appetite increase (stomakik), tranquilizers (sedatives, cough medicine (antitussive and eliminates congested (anti-asthmatic). CHEMICAL CONTENT: ergosterol, coumarin, fungal lysozyme, acid protease, water-soluble proteins, amino acids, and saccharida polypeptidase, as well as several kinds of minerals such as sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), zinc (Zn), copper (Co) and manganese (Mn).

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