Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011


HOW TO ELIMINATE gray There are two kinds of hair pigment, namely:1.Pigmen eomelanin .. eomelanin Pigments are usually found on the colored people, such as Asia, Arabia, India and so on. "Dark-colored pigments, black. So, hair and skin was dark."2.Pigmen feomelanin .. This pigment is found in white people. "Yellow pigment. But, that does not mean they do not have pigment eomelanin. They still have, but prosentasinya bit.People also have pigment feomelanin Asia, although not many. But not all people Asia-skinned and dark haired. "On the head, a lot of hair roots. Well, there are some that can not be memperoduksi pigment. For example, in the case of albinism (albio) and vitiligo. Albino is a person who has no skin pigment, and all and his hair was white, while only a portion of white vitiligo. "It's also genetic factors and can not be cured." If the levels of the pigment is less, will be the blonde hair and then white, gray.Typically, gray hair appears on the elderly, because melaninnya production is already starting to wane. Metabolism to produce the pigment has begun to slow or even no lagi.Ada people who are old but not yet appear gray or only slightly, but some are still young but his hair was all gray. This is also due to genetic factors. If you have a lot of gray hair is old though, means that the formation of pigment metabolism does not last long.Things - things that trigger the occurrence of gray hair, among others:

Genetic Factors
Immunological disease pernicious anemia, which is kind of blood shortages often cause gray hair • - The existence of metabolic abnormalities, such as thyroid disorders or malnutrition. Poor nutrition can make the pigment reduced the amount of enzyme pembetuk, • - the usage of chemical substances, such as hair dye
Use of the type of shampoo that contains sulfur which medical tinggiSecara, gray hair can not be treated. If the cause is genetic factors, which can do is paint the hair. "Better not pull out the gray, because it will reduce the number of hairs".
There are several ways to overcome gray hair, among others:A. Hair painting, of course, cat hair has side effects. Based on the material, hair dye divided by two, namely: cat hair from chemicals, paint the hair of chemical substances have been mentioned can cause blood cancer. Although the fact has not been proven definitively. To be sure, hair dye can cause contact eczema (contact dermatitis). "Arise itching, usually of the head, continued to advance and can also gain. In fact, in a rather severe form, arising urticaria (swelling biduran), which quickly spread. Once used, directly biduran swelling of the scalp, until swelling in the respiratory tract which can be fatal. " Meanwhile, if eczema, slow type. "It's got hair dye, the next new hives." Is recommended before applying hair dye should be tried first in the back of the ear. "Apply and leave for 24 hours. If there is no itching or swelling occur, suitable means. - Hair dye from plants (hena) The second type of hair dye from the plant, commonly called the hena." It's safer, because it contains organic substances from natural herbs. The side effects are not too many. Hena is also filling the inside of the hair. While chemical hair dye, only the outer coat of hair, can not seep into the hair."There are two types of hair dye that is:

Semi-permanent, temporary washed several times so that will also disappear.
Permanent, enduring (durable) but still need to be repeated about every 3-4 weeks.
Dyed hair can be done anytime, as long as the hair quality attention. For example, if your hair is too dry, you should use conditioner (moisturizer). Also, be aware shampoo treatments. For example, use a shampoo that is too alkaline (too foamy), so it actually makes the hair too dry. But if there are signs of hair porous (fragile), the painting has to stop, wait until the new hair tumbuh.2. Traditional treatment, use coconut water, coconut scars are also taken mixed with coconut milk, pineapple add water, lemon juice. Use to wash it 2x a week. Results juice can be used many times

Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

Benefits of Wood Fungi

Benefits of Wood Fungi Description:Saprofif grow on rotting logs, grow wild and sometimes cultivated. Long-stemmed fruit bodies growing straight up, his hat from the body is attached to the stalk, get up a half circle and grows horizontally. Fruit bodies showed that the circles are the limits of growth period, wavy or scalloped edges, the upper side with the folds radier, purplish-red color is brown, shiny as lacquer. A few years old each time to form new layers himenofora.
Local name:Supa sinduk (Sunda).;

Curable Disease:Difficulty sleeping (insomnia), dizziness, bronchitis, asthma, silicosis, hepatitis; hypertension, heart disease, stomach pain, no appetite; Rheumatism;

PART USED:Fruit bodies. Once collected, washed and dried.
PURPOSE:- Body feels weak (neurasthenia), dizziness.- Feeling weak due to long illness.- It is hard to sleep (insomnia).- Chronic bronchitis, asthma, silicosis.- Hepatitis.- High blood pressure.- Coronary Heart disease (Coronary heart disease).- High cholesterol (hipercholesterolemia).- Stomach pain (gastritis).- No appetite (anorexia).- Joint rheumatism (Rheumatic arthritis).- Delaying aging.
USAGE:To drink: 3-15 g, boiled.External use only. Used for common cold (rhinitis).
HOW TO USE:A. Neurasthenia, sleeplessness, excessive dreams:
3-10 g wood mushroom braised, drinks.
2. Chronic hepatitis, shortness of breath (bronchial asthma):
1-2 g of powdered wood mushrooms, brewed with hot water, drinking
after chilling. Do 3 times a day.
3. Manguatkan and increase endurance:
Boil 15 g ling zhi with 4 cups water in pot soil
until the remaining 2 cups. After chilling filtered, and the water
add 1 tablespoon of honey. Stir until smooth and drink.
2 times a day, every time I drink as much as 1 cup.
NOTE:Ling-zhi mushrooms are sold in drug stores with a wide range of packaging of mushrooms or pieces that have been processed as a capsule, tablet, syrup, tincture, or injections.
Composition:CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological: It was a little bitter sweet, warm, non-toxic. Strengthen and increase endurance, prevent heart disease, aphrodisiac, appetite increase (stomakik), tranquilizers (sedatives, cough medicine (antitussive and eliminates congested (anti-asthmatic). CHEMICAL CONTENT: ergosterol, coumarin, fungal lysozyme, acid protease, water-soluble proteins, amino acids, and saccharida polypeptidase, as well as several kinds of minerals such as sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), zinc (Zn), copper (Co) and manganese (Mn).