Kamis, 05 April 2012

A way that preserved vegetables

To keep the vegetables that we buy so durable could put fresh in the refrigerator. If you do not reserve the refrigerator, there are simple ways that fresh vegetables are preserved. Do the following: Siangi vegetables, washed, wrapped in a newspaper insert in a plastic bag, place it in a cool place. Undoubtedly you will stay fresh vegetables.

How to make tempe

 How to make tempe - How to make it easy tempeh. Do not learn the online business as well learn how to make your own tempeh materials needed to make tempeh is very simple:* 1 kg of soybean* Tempe 2 grams of yeast (buy a pack of mah all)* 4 white plastic bag the size of 1 kg or to taste* And a big potHow to make tempe:* Wash soybeans thoroughly and then soak for 24 hours + 3 hours ago .... :-)* The next morning after 24 hours via 3-minute wash in running water soy while squeezing off that husk.* Time to boil. Boil soybeans in a large pot with enough water for about 33 minutes or until tender look soybean.* Drain until dry.* Pour the soy in a large container to be easily chilled.* After a cold mixed with yeast soybean tempeh as much as 2 grams or adjust to the instructions of use.* Stir until smooth then input into a plastic bag that had been prepared.* Adjust thickness of approximately 3.3 cm.* Cover the plastic with a candle flame.* Punch a hole through the plastic with a toothpick or knife tip to taste* Place on a rack beruji to hit the air circulation, leave on for 36 hours + 3 hours* Ready to cook ....HOW TO MAKE TEMPEWith the high price of tempeh, why do we not try to make your own tempeh. Koq hard way not only may need patience.Ingredients:Soybeans 2kgTempeh 1 tablespoon yeastSago Flour / Tapioca 1 tbspHow to make:Boil water in saucepan, boil up once.Put soybeans into pan of boiling water before, let stand until lukewarm water.Soybeans were in the exhaust of his skin, until clean.Boiled soy beans until the water frothing / tender.Discard the cooking water had dried up, and then enter the soybean kewadah flat bottom covered with a cloth / towel, let dry quickly absorbed and tempeh.after dry soybeans, tempeh move into a sunken container / bowl. Put on soybean and corn starch yeast in the mix while stirring and well blended. Tempe input into the Plastics and close the plastic tip. Plastic stab stab with a knife edge as much as 8 behind eighth puncture and puncture, to get air.After all input is complete tempeh into a warm / box, cover with a cloth / towel, do not be opened more or less open for 36 hours.Yeast can be obtained at the seller's tempeh soy beans, yeast is different from baker's yeast or yeast tapeIngredients:-Soybean (up to want what I saranin aja aja 1kg)Yeast, tempeh (tempe different yeast with yeast tape, its quite 2gram yeast)Water-taste-plastik/daun bananatools:-Basin-Pot and stoveHow to make tempe:1.Kedelai immersed for 5 hour2.Rebus half-cooked soybeans3.Kupas her skin (you can use a machine or hand) soybean split into two4.Direndam 24 hours5.Cuci thoroughly6.Direbus to boiling7.Diangkat and drain until cool8.Bersihkan droppings9.Beri yeast evenly tempe10.Bungkus with banana leaves, if using a plastic soybean inputs to the plastic then cover tightly and bolongin (do not get no air)11.Tunggu few days (when I made ready in 1 day)

how to make soy milk

I do not like cow's milk because it smells fishy pure. Even if there is a mixture of flavors, which I like cuman ultra milk chocolate flavor. That's it. Other brands do not like. But the last few years I began to idolize the soy milk.

Because love and raw materials are relatively inexpensive, I became interested in trying to make their own soy milk. I inquired here and there. In the previous experiment experiment-I was there sediment failure on soy milk. Sometimes it still feels rotten milk. Also time ever cooked and it had no idea at the top layer of milk. After several failed attempts I finally get the right ingredients.

Glad I could finally fit menmperoleh herb. It is the right ingredients ...

1/2 cup soy
two pieces of pandan leaf
a packet of vanilla
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
a pinch of salt (approximately tip of a teaspoon)
a little cornstarch (about tip of a teaspoon)
4 cups of water (one cup to soak the soybeans and the rest to boil soy)

How to make:
Soak the soybeans with a glass of water overnight. After that drain and peel soybean husk. Soybeans that have been peeled epidermis is mixed with all ingredients. Cook to boiling water. After boiling the dough refrigerated. Blend all ingredients except the pandan leaves. Strain the dough with a cloth. Soy milk is ready to be served. Add ice to make it more enjoyable.

Soy milk filter fabric should be with. If normal then filter it with soy fiber filter can pass through each sieve.

Senin, 12 Maret 2012

Among the fruits Mangosteen

In many countries we grow Among the fruits Mangosteen, mangosteen fruit is rich in content would be a very powerful anti-oxidant that is found on the skin of the fruit. From Mangosteen Has Substance That peneliatan Anti Onksida powerful, precise Indonesia PT. Natural Ways of Creating a core of traditional medicine Coronary heart disease (XAMthone Plus), as a natural way to treat heart disease.Let's Liat Review About Heart Disease, and natural way to treat heart disease with coronary heart disease and Traditional Medicine Testimonials recovered thanks to Coronary Heart Traditional Medicine.Coronary heart disease is one of the most feared killers in the world. Usually the disease is experienced by people berusian productive and sudden attack to cause death.For Info and Booking XAMthone as a drug plus a natural way to treat heart problems please CLICK HERE (to order)A cause of coronary heartThe disease is caused by the narrowing and blockages in coronary arteries. This is caused by the buildup of fatty substances (cholesterol, triglycerides) in the artery wall bottom (endothelium).After the fat accumulates, blood flow is blocked and unable to travel to the heart that affect the heart in pumping blood. The effect is most felt is the loss of oxygen and nutrients to the heart because of reduced blood flow to the heart.B. The symptoms of coronary heart disease

* Chest pain and pressure
Dizziness prolonged head
* Feeling her body on fire for no apparent reason
* There was a complaint in the chest and neck bone
* But most people who suffer from coronary heart disease do not experience some of the symptoms above. All of a sudden heart problem and the patient in a chronic condition.C. Things that lead to coronary heart disease:

* Smoking in significant amounts and for many years
* Consumption of fatty foods or high cholesterol
* Hypertension that have suffered
* Diabetes mellitus is also provoke the onset of coronary heart disease
* Obesity
* Lack of activity and exercise
* Drinking of alcoholic beverages
* Drug abuse (narcotics)D. Facts about coronary heart disease

* Coronary heart disease is the number one killer disease in the United States that strikes both men and women
* Every year in the U.S., more than half a million people die from coronary heart disease
* Deaths from coronary heart disease can be prevented because it is related to lifestyle. If the public good and healthy life free of confirmed coronary heart disease
* Care for patients with coronary heart disease takes a very long and continuous.E. Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease

* Balanced lifestyle and avoiding the risk of stress is necessary for a person not affected by coronary heart disease.
* Eating a healthy diet and high fiber. Reduce fatty foods and high cholesterol to prevent obesity.
* Immediately stop smoking. Smoking causes reduced blood vessel elasticity thereby increasing arterin hardening of the arteries that lead to stroke.
* Reduce or avoid alcohol
* Exercise regularly
* Avoid the use of illegal drugs
* For Info and Booking XAMthone as a drug plus a natural way to treat heart problems please CLICK HERE (to order)F. Tests to determine whether a person has coronary heart diseaseThere is no sure way to know the size of coronary heart disease. But some of the following types of tests can give you an idea if someone is suffering from coronary heart disease.

* Electrocardiogram
* Stress test
* Nuclear scanning
* Coronary angigraphyG. Some types of plants that can prevent and cope with coronary heart disease

* Mangosteen (wrong drug made satunga safe drug for coronary heart disease)
* Leaves crown Gods
* Noni
* Garlic
* Cloud ear fungus
* Roses
* SiantanApparently Mangosteen (Mangosteen) have high antioxidant alternatives for the treatment of coronary heart

Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

Remember that the Milk formula

remember that the formula is made must be spent by the child. The goal is to avoid contamination with bacteria.

Often the baby is not a bottle full of milk and we were let in order to be drunk again later.

"You have spent so little chance of contamination with bacteria. If the child is usually discharged only once drank as much as 200 cc, make no more than 200 cc," advised Prof Dr Ali Khomsan, nutrition experts from the Bogor Agricultural Institute of Legal when contacted via cell phone Tuesday (14/02/2012).

Solution of Prof. Ali, if the child has diseduhkan milk in the bottle is not finished, first insert into the fridge. As if it is not the refrigerator, do not run out of milk consumed after two hours maximum....

how to cook vegetables is good and right


Cook green vegetables with a stainless pan so the acid does not react with the metal
Save and refrigerate unwashed greens to be used. Wet conditions in the vegetables will keep perishable vegetables
For washing vegetables, fill a basin / tub with warm water because the soil attached to vegetables will easily loose when washed in warm water.
Can also wash vegetables in running water to avoid wilted vegetables
Drain the vegetables that are washed up on the filter which was covered with a napkin vegetables clean
Steaming is a method of cooking vegetables is the healthiest. Because it can retain nutrients and vegetables ripen in a short time.
Avoid using vegetable emmasak cooker. especially if we do not know really how much time it takes for the order to each type of vegetable emmasak
When we use a boiling to cook the vegetables, let the water boil kurleb 2 minutes until reduced oxygen and then we enter the vegetable.

In addition, we include recipes and ways to cook spinach. Why choose spinach? since spinach has high iron content so it is good for our bodies.

SPINACH VEGETABLE brothIngredients:

1 ltr of water
250 gr chicken claw
1 stalk celery, chopped
1 teaspoon salt
60 ounces chicken, diced
2 spring onions, finely sliced
2 cloves garlic
50 ounces diced carrots
50gr sweet corn pipilan
60 ounces spinach leaves
1 stalk of spinach leaves, thinly sliced

How to Make:# Make broth:

Cooking water with chicken claw, celery, scallions, and salt with little water to a boil
Agkat and strain, reserving the broth.
Simmer chicken stock, put the chicken pieces, onion, and garlic. Cook until boiling
Add the carrots, sweet corn, spinach leaves, and scallions.
Cook until all cooked. Lift.

Description:could also be carrying around an ungainly red spinach has high iron content